Friday, January 4, 2013


Hey Friends,

So this post is obviously not very motorcycle related, but then again I said when I started this blog, it may also include other adventures as well!  I really wish I could have rented a motorcycle or even tried my hand at a scooter in Hawaii, but sadly did not have time.  But anyways, I wanted to share a few pictures because well, it was so awesome!!

The first day my family got there, we checked into our hotel, Marriott Ko'Olina Beach Club in Oahu.  It was wonderful leaving freezing temperatures behind and stepping off the plane into 75 degree temperatures.  The place was beautiful, from the resort itself, to the views, and the man made lagoons.

The water was warm, the sand soft.  The faces were friendly, and the views spectacular! We got a chance to see the Dole plantation which was neat.  We also then took a drive up to the North Shore, which had some great waves and lots of surfers!

 Sadly, we did not stay at this resort the whole vacation.  We relocated to Waikiki, which is more of a city beach, not as pleasant in my opinion.  Too crowded and horrendously overpriced!  It was however closer to Diamond Head crater. We hiked to the top to experience that "top of the world" feeling.  You could see for miles in any direction!

We explored different areas of Waikiki.  At one point we encountered a seemingly angry/crazy man with a fold-able wooden side table around his neck.  Why he had adorned this piece of furniture, I have no clue.  But he did give us quite a scare, as well as several others, so much that several police officers came and questioned the guy, and drove him off!

As our vacation began to wrap up, we decided to go to Hanauma Bay to go snorkeling.  This was the first time that I had gone, and it was phenomenal!  Felt a little awkward at first, as well as getting over the fear of swallowing tons of salt water trying to breathe underwater, but once I put some trust in the snorkel, I found it was very easy and a blast.  We saw all sorts of fish, colorful and small, sparkly and several feet long, single fish, schools of fish, and various clams of purples and greens.  I decided that after motorcycling, snorkeling  is one of my next favorite things!

Though I am sad to have left so soon, I will always remember this trip!  Now that I'm back to the cold, it's time for some snowboarding adventures, and hopefully when it warms up in March, I can break out my Ninja! Woohoo!

Have a great weekend everyone, I'll be in the Poconos shredding powder!

- Pandabear