Friday, March 22, 2013

Bye =(

Well Friends,

Sad day. Was hurrying to leave my apartment this morning and in that rush, I put my phone in my jacket pocket instead of in my tank bag. Got on the bike, forgot to zip the pocket closed, and somewhere along the way to work, my phone flew out and got lost. I had a Galaxy SIII, which I used to take all these awesome pictures! Always remember to zip your pockets if you put things in them!! Pretty common sense but sometimes we have other things on our mind...

I decided to order a Google Nexus 4. Should be interesting! It has a 360 degree panoramic shot, so hopefully I can take some great pictures for you in the future. My ContourROAM camera should be arriving late next week too, so get ready for some get visuals!

Zip your pockets!!

 - Pandabear


  1. I thought you were going to say something happened to the Ninja when I first read the title. Tough luck on the phone. I just dropped my Droid2 on Thursday and shattered the screen, and am currently hunting for a decent iPhone. My buddy lost his in a similar situation to yours, and some old lady found it and called around until he got it back. May be some luck in your situation.

  2. Argh! Sucks to hear that Logan. I wish mine got returned, that would be a miracle! Not sure anyone would be able to unlock it though since I have a password on mine. Have a google Nexus 4 coming in this week though, so no worries. And while nothing did happen to the ninja, it almost did yesterday! I will write about that tonight..
