Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Start your week with a bang!

Hi Friends....

Rear ended someone at about 5mph, yesterday.  Wasn't focused enough and by the time I noticed the guy quick stopping in front of me, I ran out of room and used his bumper as a stop.  I got flung off my seat and up the tank, but was still holding the grips, so I came back down while the bike crashed down on the left side.  There wasn't too much damage, but I watched in horror as the lifeblood of my baby (aka oil) streamed down the street.  Busted a cover (um..generator perhaps), have a small crack in the fender, and a bent clutch lever.  The rest is minor, some scratches and whatnot.

She got towed.  To bike Heaven.  Just kidding.  She's getting repaired, just waiting for the insurance adjuster to take a look and cut me a check.  Hopefully I'll have her back within a week or two!

As for me..I think I compressed my back.  It was already bad to begin with and now it's agitated again.  But other than that, I'm great!  I'm probably done riding for the year unless there's a really warm day in the future.

Maybe I can use the weekends to finally edit some video...hopefully!

- Crash Pandacoot

Sunday, November 3, 2013


Hey Friends,

Shortest post yet!  Going out for a colder weather group ride, the high is about 50F here, and out for 3 hours or so.  Glad I have all my RS Taichi gear to keep me warm.  The mornings are hovering around 30-35F so my commute will be getting much more chilly!
Who else is still riding!?

- Pandabear