Tuesday, May 5, 2015

My Bday!

Hi Friends!

It's my birthday today! Yay!  I have survived three years of riding so far, about 30,000 miles and counting. I have had two bike accidents, four tip overs (including one hit and run), one totaled bike, but countless memories of fun and amazement.  I have never once regretted riding, and I never will (even if I get hospitalized or die!!).

Why do you ride?! Comment below!

- Pandabear


  1. Happy Birthday Pandabear! I hope you have a long long lifetime filled with happiness, success, and lots of love <3 I know how much you love to ride, but never forget, there are a lot of people who care a lot about you, many of whom would trade their own lives to be able to spend just a moment with you if God forbid sometime were to ever happen to you. Stay safe, happy, calm, and smart ( and good looking ; ) ).

  2. L'amour triomphe de tout. Peace on earth for all. If you happen to come across this blog, you should know know some things about the writer. He has an incredibly kind soul with passions for more than just riding motorcycles. I have been fortunate enough to witness the depth of his sincerity towards even complete strangers, including grieving over the death of a fellow rider or making a child's day at an arcade. His honesty is refreshing and at times has made him vulnerable to the ill intent of others. Nevertheless, he is quick to forgive. These are only a few of the characteristics that make him deserving of tremendous success and limitless happiness. If you have had the opportunity to meet him, you're one of the lucky ones. He lives life in pursuit of adventure and does it with a smile on his face, all the while making those around him feel special. Pandabear is definitely one of the gems out there. The birthday mentioned in this blogpost is perhaps one of the last I'll celebrate with him by circumstances not in my control. I hope he always remembers it as one of the great ones. SS never stop.
