Friday, June 1, 2012

Mission Accomplished

Hey friends,

I'm happy to say that I made it home in one piece yesterday.  I left early in the morning to avoid some traffic so once I passed through the city/town parts of my area and onto the rural roads, it was empty!  The road conditions were very nice on the way to work, and I waved to about 15-20 other riders.  I did hit some bumps in the road which the bike took gracefully. However as I was sitting directly on the seat, and not using my legs, the sharp upward movements transferred directly into a body region that I don't enjoy being jostled!!!  Ouch!!

I only had one trouble, and that was after passing over a bridge and navigating through an S bend.  I took the first bend easily and was traveling rather quickly for the second, tighter, bend.  I remembered not to touch the brakes or let off the throttle, and just leaned further and rolled on the gas very slightly.   I was scared yes, but looked and made it through the turn quite well.  I had no concerns about the bike going down, it felt as planted as a tree in the dirt, but the physics on my body were unfamiliar, thus scary!

The return trip was better, though I rode straight through a gigantic patch of gravel. Worried of course, but was going in a straight line so nothing happened.  More bikers passed, too many to count...90% of them waived.  Mostly they were cruisers, a good bit were wearing full face helmets which I was happy to see.  I am a firm believer in full face helmets, even after only having my bike for about two months.  I cringe when I see people without helmets, but it is their choice, and I respect their freedom to do so.

Close to home, I pulled up next to a couple on a cruiser.  After quickly battling with an inner debate, about whether it's rude to keep my shield closed while talking (it has a very dark tint), I started chatting with the rider, who complimented my choice of colors.  He had a bright turquoise colored bike.  Now I'm not a fan of cruisers personally, but it was definitely a nice motorcycle!

And finally, I stopped at Target to pick up some groceries and Meguire's scratch remover.  Something about Target makes me honk my horn.  The first time I did it, a few weeks ago, I was trying to turn my turn signal off and I honked at a lady.  Yesterday, I was parking my bike, right past two ladies getting into their car, and once again, I honked instead of turning off turn signals.  Only at Target does this ever happen!!  Anyways, I finally returned home, and used the scratch remover on my bike.  I managed to remove all the small scuffs, dirt, and scratches and besides the major scrapes, cracks, and holes, it looks brand new again!  We will see how the scratch remover holds up to the rain today.  Hopefully it REMOVED the scratches, instead of just filling them.  I will post pictures this weekend if I can!

Have a great day friends!

- Pandabear

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