Thursday, February 7, 2013


Hey Friends,

I just got done watching the documentary called Fastest.  It's a bit old but still good.  It's about MotoGP, from the riders themselves, to the bikes, teams, and social aspects.  Mostly focused on Rossi and Lorenzo, but there were interviews and short biographies on many other top level racers too.  If you are into racing, I recommend seeing it!  Definitely puts a more human aspect to racing, instead of the usual mindless following or statistics.  It's not only regular people like you and I who hug and kiss our bikes!  They love theirs too!!
Worth a watch, figured I'd share!

Have a great Friday everyone!

- Pandabear


  1. Glad to see I wasn't the only person to write a post about this movie in the last couple days.

  2. Haha yeah! I see it on Amazon prime, figured I'd check it out. Logan, are you a part of

  3. Yea I'm on Ninjette (RollTide-LDub) that's what brought me to your blog. I started my own blog a couple weeks ago weather has just not permitted me to really do a lot of riding to write about.
