Sunday, April 15, 2012

Rain, Sun, Safety and Spy Cam!

Hey friends,

Here's a shorter post, I figured I'd write out a few thoughts I was having.
Last night my Ninja received it's first shower.  I came back this morning beaded water clinging to the surfaces, so I just went ahead and wiped off the water and a little bit of dirt.  Voila, good as new!  I'm most likely going to buy a cover in the next few days, so at least it won't get so dirty.  I'm wondering if water will be that big of an issue.  On my way home this morning, I saw multiple bikes of all sorts uncovered and wet.  Maybe it's just not necessary?  Hmm, better safe than sorry I suppose, but I'll keep a look out.  Now that it stopped raining, the bike faces it's next adversary, the dreaded Sun.

Now I personally love the Sun, and its warming touch.  It keeps me peppy and active, but also has the nasty habit of turning me browner and browner, like a chicken in the oven.  And on that note I think my neighbors think I AM a chicken.  One lady asked if I was going to actually ride my bike as opposed to just cleaning it "all the time." Nope, I just bought it as a parking lot ornament.  I love how it looked, so I'm going to park it there and stare at it all year long! Anyways, this whole great gaseous, fiery, UV ray shooting Sun makes me wonder what will happen to Mr. Ninja over time.  I'm assuming the plastics will begin to fade or discolor..anyone have any thoughts on that?  Maybe a cover will prevent this from happening..aha..two for one special! Eliminate rain AND sun..priceless!

And now how about safety?  I have seen many bikes parked around neighborhoods for days on end, no locks, no covers, nothing.  My area seems to be pretty safe, and set off the beaten path by a good bit, but everyday I worry about coming back to see an empty parking spot.  So what I do now is set up my laptop in the window and use my motion sensor recording program when I leave.  It's not going to stop anyone from stealing my bike, but at least I'll know what they drive and what they look like!  I keep my forks locked at all times so they can't ride away (easily), and I'd like to lock it to a fixed object, but the apartment builder didn't think about how I would secure my bike!  There is nothing to chain it to! The nerve of some people, really!!  At least I have total loss coverage, but it would still ruin my day/week/month if my ninja gets stolen.  I'm going to have to become crafty and devise a way to secure my bike!

Just some thoughts! Still hoping my helmet comes in tomorrow, keep your fingers crossed everyone!
Have a great day!

- Pandabear

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