Sunday, July 22, 2012

Highway Flying.

Hey everyone,

Took the bike to the highway this weekend wearing the RS Taichi suit.  It was a fairly comfortable ride, and the bike itself had no problems going fast.  Sure, it doesn't take off from 70 mph like a rocket, but it's fairly on par with most vehicles.  A few points I passed at 90 mph, and everything felt smooth and easy.  My trip each way was 100 miles, not too long, and cruising along, it felt like a very short ride compared to driving in my car.  Everything looked much different from on top of a bike rather than behind a wheel.

The suit was rather comfortable, and didn't really billow around in the wind.  One discomfort I felt was achy feet from the footpegs.  Not sure what caused this other than having a lot of weight on them.  The second, more major discomfort was the wind noise.  Unless in a full tuck, the wind is loud and tiring.  After a while it's hard to hear your bike.  Ear plugs are a must if you want to ride on the highway.  In town under 60mph the wind doesn't affect you much but above that it gets quite noisy.

As far as everyone saying the Ninja 250R gets blown around a lot?  Not at all, I barely was pushed.  I passed many large trucks and never got the sensation of getting hit by a large gust.  I always tucked down when passing, so that probably helped greatly.  I felt very confident in the ninja's ability to cruise on the highway.  Granted, the RPM's were insanely high...10k around 70mph..12k around 90mph...but that wasn't much of a bother since the noise from the wind was much much louder.

All in all, it was a very easy trip.  The suit added greatly to my comfort level, I learned that riding on the highway isn't that bad afterall, and that ear plugs are a must!  Protect your hearing!

Take care friends,


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